Frequently Asked Questions
How does the "hybrid school" work?
Our hybrid model offers the flexibility and freedom of homeschooling, but includes the structure and accountability of a regular school. The teacher and parents/guardians are both responsible for teaching the students. The students attend class at LIGHT two mornings a week, and the schedule outside of that is determined by the homeschooling parent. The teacher will teach the material during school, set the pace for the class, and stay in communication with the students' families each week to communicate what assignments are expected to be completed at home. The parents are responsible for reviewing and/or expanding upon skills and concepts that have been taught, according to their child's needs.
What is the enrollment process?
Incoming Kindergarteners:
Contact us for more information and for details about the mandatory kindergarten parent meeting.
Incoming 1st-5th graders:
Our application process for new LIGHT students, grades 1st-5th, includes a personal tour of the facility where you can learn more about our program and have the opportunity to ask questions. From here we can schedule a shadow day for your student, with a followup parent interview. We require a transcript from your student(s)’ former school. If you cannot provide a transcript, because they have been only homeschooled, an assessment will be administered during your child’s shadow day. Once the application process is complete, families will be notified of their acceptance status. Upon acceptance, a nonrefundable enrollment fee of $200 is required to reserve your space; $100 of this will be credited towards your May tuition.
How do I enroll my student as homeschooled?
All LIGHT families must register with the state of Kansas as their own non-accredited private school. If coming from a public/private school, you must inform the school in writing of your withdrawal.
Click here to file as a homeschool family (please do not use LIGHT as the school name, you will make up your own name for your homeschool). Additional info here.
How do I determine my child's "grade" level?
Students must be 5 years old on, or before, September 1 in order to enroll in our kindergarten class. Grade level is determined by the student's age, similar to how a traditional school operates. If you believe your student needs to be enrolled in a grade different from what their age places them in, contact us to discuss placement testing options and class availability.
Do you offer services for special needs?
At this time, LIGHT cannot provide accommodations for academic or behavior needs during school. We do not have the resources to hire paras or other support staff and each classroom only has one teacher. Students must be able to participate in their grade-level classroom activities and school work without significant disruptions. If gifted services or tutoring are required for the student, the parents/guardians will be responsible for finding those services outside of LIGHT.
What is the cost?
Tuition is $185 per month per elementary student and $225 per month per secondary student. There is also a one-time curriculum/supply fee of $150 for elementary and $200 for secondary. Electives are optional for elementary students at an additional cost. Field trips are also optional and the cost varies depending on the activity.
T-shirts/hoodies are available for purchase and range from $10-$25. We ask that each student has at least one LIGHT shirt for field trips and group events, but anything additional is optional.
What is the time commitment?
LIGHT meets two mornings a week from September 3 to May 21. Elementary offers 2 subjects, and school hours are 9:10am-12:15pm. If elementary students choose to enroll in elective classes, they will eat lunch at school and attend electives until 1:30pm. Our secondary school (6th grade up) offers 3 subjects, and the time in school is 9:10am-1:30pm both days. Our calendar includes fall break, Christmas break, and spring break. The time required at home for work to be completed varies from student to student.
Will my child have recess or breaks?
Elementary students have one scheduled recess break each morning, with the option for additional recess at the teacher's discretion. Recess will be outside on the playground, weather-permitting, or inside the LIGHT multipurpose room. Secondary has two transition breaks per morning between classes, and has the option to go outside during this time at the teacher's discretion. 6th grade+ is not permitted on the playground; however, the church allows us to use the gaga ball pit, basketball courts, disc golf course, and other outdoor spaces during LIGHT hours.
View our Parent Resource Page for additional information.